ACT SES called in to support ACT Policing with Covid-19 activities

ACT Policing continued its enforcement of ACT Public Heath Directions over the weekend establishing a number of check points throughout the Territory.
Police set up ‘RBT style’ check points at Commonwealth Avenue in Parkes, Limestone Avenue in Campbell, Lady Denman Drive in Yarralumla and Clarrie Hermes Drive in Casey.
Police stopped 1916 vehicles, four people were directed into quarantine while eight people will follow up with ACT Health.
One driver failed to stop at the Lady Denman Drive and another at Clarrie Hermes Drive checkpoints.
A 32-year-old Taylor woman is due to face court today on a number of charges for dangerously passing police as they were setting up the Clarrie Hermes Drive check point. Investigations are continuing for the driver who failed to stop at the Lady Denman Drive checkpoint.
ACT Policing COVID-19 Taskforce’s Detective Superintendent Rohan Smith said this type of behavior was unacceptable and reminded drivers of the importance of slowing down when passing emergency vehicles.
“If you see red and blue flashing lights, you must slow down to 40km/h to pass stationary or slow moving emergency vehicles, this includes traffic near COVID 19 check points,” Detective Superintendent Smith said.
“ACT Policing’s temporary road check-points show the community that we can be anywhere at any time.
“We’ll continue to conduct random patrols to help educate people and enforce the new Public Health Directions and keep our community safe.”
For the most recent information on the ACT’s COVID-19 restrictions, visit the COVID-19 website changes to restrictions page.
For general enquiries – including to make reports of non-compliance, contact the COVID-19 Helpline on 6207 7244 (8am-8pm, 7 days a week) or online available here. For police assistance call 131 444 and only contact Triple Zero (000) for emergencies.
Text: ACT Policing