Police launch border checks on the ACT/NSW Border

ACT Policing will maintain a presence at borders in response to the new Public Health Directions
On Sunday, 20 December 2020, the Chief Health Officer issued a new Public Health Direction for people travelling to the ACT from certain areas in NSW as a result of the recent COVID-19 outbreak.
If you are not an ACT resident and have been to Greater Sydney, Central Coast, Wollongong and Nepean Blue Mountains, the message is do not visit the ACT.
Anyone who has travelled from COVID-19 affected areas of Greater Sydney, Central Coast, Wollongong and Nepean Blue Mountains are required to notify ACT Health in advance by completing an online declaration.
ACT Policing COVID-19 Taskforce’s Detective Superintendent Matt Heather said police continue to work closely with the ACT Government to support the many Canberrans returning home.
“Today, our efforts are focused on the Federal Highway where we expect the significant volume of travellers coming from Sydney and surrounding regions,” Detective Superintendent Heather said.
“We will conduct random interceptions of cars, to take the time to speak with people about the new health directions and quarantine requirements.
“This is not a permanent measure, and our presence will look different in the coming days. At some times of the day you may see a traffic stop set up, similar to a Roadside Breath Test which drivers are used to, and other times there may be police vehicles near the border.
“We will not pull over every driver, so please look for signs as you drive in to Canberra to be aware of traffic arrangements and continue to drive to the conditions.
“There are many roads leading into Canberra and police may be patrolling other borders as well at different times.
“Canberrans have a strong compliance record so we expect everyone will continue to do the right thing, and closely monitor the latest ACT Government advice and quarantine appropriately in line with requirements.”
ACT Policing will work with AFP at Canberra Airport to support the ACT Public Health Directions.
ACT Policing continues its home and hotel quarantine checks. In the past week, there have been more than 1,000 checks conducted, bringing the total to more than 20,000.
For all general COVID-19 enquiries – including to make a report of non-compliance, visit www.covid19.act.gov.au or contact the COVID-19 Helpline on 6207 7244 (8am – 8pm, 7 days a week).
Text Credit: ACT Policing Media