ACT Fire and Rescue launch their winter fire safety campaign

ACT Fire and Rescue launched their winter fire safety campaign on Thursday reminding Canberrens to be safe this winter.
ACT Fire and Rescue are reminding the community to be safe, and not sorry this winter.
Firefighters unfortunately see the devastating effects that can occur when these devices go wrong.
They can not only destroy your homes, but they can put your family and loved ones at risk, so please take the time this winter to ensure you and your household are safe in the event of fire.
You can do this in a number of simple ways;
-Have a home fire escape plan.
-Check your smoke alarms, and make sure that they are working.
-Have a fire extinguisher and a fire blanket at hand, and make sure you know how to use those.
-If a fire does take hold in your home, follow your home fire escape plan.
- Evacuate the building and call emergency triple zero.
- and make sure you never re-enter a burning building.
As well as heating devices there are a number of other causes for fire in the home.
This can include leaving cooking unattended, incorrectly charging or overcharging devices.
And using close dryers without cleaning the filter or without proper maintenance.
Improper and unsafe use of these appliances can put you and your loved ones at risk.
Further information can be found here: