ACT launches new plug-in Hybrid Electric Fire Truck

One of the newest vehicles in the ACT Fire & Rescue fleet, the Plug-In Hybrid Electric Fire Truck, is the first of its kind in Australia.
The vehicle runs on electricity, with enough battery capacity to operate continuously for up to two hours. If more range is needed, an on board diesel electric generator supplies the vehicle with power for up to six hours - giving the vehicle the same operational capability as a conventional diesel pumper.
This vehicle is the most modern firefighting vehicle in the world. The design incorporates many state of the art features including electric drive and pumping capabilities making it incredibly unique and municipal.
The safety of our firefighters and the community are paramount, and the safety features of this vehicle are second-to-none.
The next-generation vehicle supports the ACT Government and ACT Fire & Rescue’s commitment to zero and low emissions vehicles as we work towards a sustainable and environmentally responsible future.
Engineered from the ground up, the Plug-In Hybrid Electric Fire Truck brings innovation at every level, putting staff and community safety at the forefront of the next generation of emergency vehicles.
The ergonomic set up of the appliances is also driven by firefighter safety and our ambition to embrace diversity by catering for a wider range of employees through ergonomic design and the clever application of technology.
The design provides street level entry which reduces injuries to firefighters due to climbing in and out of fire trucks with heavy equipment on their backs. The electric motor is silent reducing noise and vibration for firefighters.
The reduction of noise, vibration, and CO emissions will greatly improve work health and safety across all ESA workplaces and makes it easier for crews on the ground to operate. The reduction in carbon monoxide from the firefighters work area is a key driver for electrifying our fleet.
The Plug-In Hybrid Electric Fire Truck will be temporarily located at the West Belconnen fire station whilst the new Acton station is built. Upon completion of the build, the vehicle will be stationed at the new Acton station.
Text: ACT Emergency Services Agency